Revolutionizing Industrial Control Systems

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial automation, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. Your business thrives on efficiency, precision, and reliability, and that’s where CORESOLUTIONS™ comes into play.

Top Razorback: Jason George

We are very pleased to call out the dedication and commitment that our Top Razorback, Jason George, brings to Pigler Automation. His ability to consistently Raise the Bar in his interactions with both colleagues and customers sets a remarkable example for everyone in the organization.

Core Value Deep Dive: Raise the Bar

In today’s competitive world, success is not a fixed destination; it is a continuous journey of growth and improvement. We firmly believe that excellence is not an endpoint but an ever-evolving goal. Our unwavering commitment to collective effort and continuous advancement has shaped our identity as a leading player in the industry and forms our core value: Raise the Bar.

Top Razorback Interview

Top Razorback Interview: Tim Copper

Earlier this month, we introduced our latest Top Razorback, Timothy Copper and what makes him an outstanding member of the Pigler Automation Team. This week, we’re going to get to know Tim a little better in this Top Razorback Interview.

Automotive Manufacturer Wins Together with Pigler Automation

Our commitment to winning together is a crucial part of the success of our team at Pigler Automation, and our customers. Over the past year, engineers Tim Copper and Teddy Klovstad have demonstrated that value to the highest quality with their work with a major automotive manufacturer here in the United States.
#Siemens #TIAPortal #InductiveAutomation #Ignition

Top Razorback: Timothy Copper

A vital component to winning together is the strength of our team and how we work together to align our goals and drive Pigler Automation forward. While working together is important, we also like to take time to call out and highlight the outstanding individual contributions of our team members. This month, I am sharing our latest Top Razorback, Timothy Copper! 

Core Value Deep Dive: Winning Together

Winning Together is an important value, we share it with our people and on our website, but what does winning together really mean? How do we embody this value, and how does it align with our purpose of building lasting relationships?